Chicago Organization Reports

Assignment Description
Along with a partner, you will research a specific organization or activist group in Chicago—past or present—that is directly engaged with one or more of the issues raised in this course (i.e. gentrification, military occupation, housing, etc).  In a short oral presentation you will first provide a brief history and synopsis of the group, followed by an analysis and/or critique that clearly situates it within the context of the course.  This means that you will be using concepts and theories from our readings to provide a more ‘full’ picture of the group's practices, ideas and interventions.  The goal here is to intellectually engage with a local group/organization that puts theory into practice...not to simply repeat general information that is easily accessible on a website.

My Expectations
You should be able to demonstrate a level of expertise about this group and develop a poignant analysis of the issue (or issues) with which they are engaged.  This will require you to do research and to make effective use of course materials and/or supplementary academic materials (i.e. journals, academic book, etc).  This is not to say that materials published by activists or journalists are any less scholarly, but rather, I wish to emphasize that part of your role as an upper-level Cultural Studies student is to engage with work published by academics in your field.  With respect to our course, this can mean scholars in the fields of Cultural Studies, Geography, Anthropology, Communication, Women’s Studies, Urban Studies and Political Science.  In short, there are plenty of good academic resources for you to choose from when doing research.
  • Presentations will be roughly 5-minutes long, which should be enough time for you to provide a clear and concise analysis of your organization.  
  • It would be worthwhile for you and your partner to consult with your classmates in order to avoid overlap (for example, three pairs all presenting on the same organization).  There are plenty of interesting and productive groups in Chicago (present or past) for us to learn there is no need for repetition.