Final Paper Guidelines

Your final assignment is a 12-15 page paper that demonstrates your ability to rigorously engage with concepts from the course, and to do so in a way that makes effective use of scholarly research (i.e. articles primarily derived from academic journals, books, and materials similar to those we've read this semester). There is a vast range of topics you could choose for your final paper, and I expect you to put some serious thought into selecting a topic that is not only interesting to you, but also allows you to develop a clear, compelling, well-organized, theoretically-sound argument. With respect to the format of your paper, the usual details apply:
  • 12pt font, double-spaced, 
  • Properly cited references and a bibliography
  • Proof read for grammar/spelling/clarity, etc. 
  • Your final paper constitutes roughly half of your final grade for this class.
Please bear in mind that this course is an upper-level Cultural Studies seminar that has a specific focus on 'advanced theories and methods'. Thus, it should go without saying that your final paper should be on par with the best written/researched work that you produce as an undergraduate student. Given the breadth of interesting readings and timely subjects we've addressed this semester, I doubt that you will have a difficult time making that happen.  Indeed, the easiest way to ensure that you write a good paper is to give yourself plenty of time to research, read, and revise your work.

Good researchers go to the Nerd Paradise after they die.
In addition to course readings, the various supplementary articles I post each week, and the loads of resources linked through my online library (, you should have no problems doing research for the paper. However, please let me know if you are unable to access specific articles in the course of your research. I'm more than happy to access them for you if it is at all possible--just be sure to supply me with the author, title of the article, the name and date of the publication (including volume and number, where applicable). If you there are multiple articles that you are looking for, please compile them into one list, and send them my way.

Finally, on the last day of class I want each of you to give a very brief presentation of your work to the rest of the class.  Presentations will be informal though I still expect them to be clear, critical, and's not an impromptu 'off the cuff' speech, but rather, a finely tuned 2-3 overview of your topic, your argument and your conclusions.

Please be sure to let me know if you have any questions, or you want to consult with me about your topic, your argument, or the progress of your paper.  Helping you all write good final papers is a priority for me, so don't hesitate to get in touch via email or stop by my office hours.